If you decide to hire a housekeeper, you will get a huge range of benefits. First of all, you will save a lot of time for yourself and the whole family. You will not have to worry about cleaning - it will be cleaned perfectly for you. You also don't have to worry about shopping - the housekeeper will take care of everything. She is used to having an overview of the operation of the whole household and knows what she has to arrange. Are you attracted by the idea of coming to a clean and tidy house where you can smell dinner ? This is completely real with our housekeeper. You can sit at the table and chat in peace while eating. You can manage everything with us.
Meron, 33 y.o.
Liubov, 37 y.o.
Sabina, 20 y.o.
Meron, 33 y.o.
Nationality: Ethiopian
Languages: English, basics of Czech
Driving license: No
Liubov, 37 y.o.
Nationality: Ukrainian
Language: Russian, English
Driving licence: No
Sabina, 20 y.o.
Nationality: Romania
Languages: Czech, Russian, Romanian, English
Driving licence: No
Ask for a consultation Meron, 33 y.o. Liubov, 37 y.o. Sabina, 20 y.o.