Do you or your relatives need to provide full-time or individual shorter care aimed at helping the sick or elderly? We know how difficult it is to take care of an elderly person. We also know that this care is very time consuming and few people can afford to spend the whole day with a senior. Hire an experienced caregiver (male or female) - a person you can trust to provide your loved one with everything they need - shopping, errands, minor cleaning, help with food preparation, supervision of medication, etc. Older people often also need someone to talk to and hear a few kind words. Our caregivers are nice and empathetic and always meet the client's needs as much as possible. You will see yourselves how your close older relative will suddenly feel in a good mood again and you will have everything under control, including his health.
Miluše, 47 let
Mrs. Karolina , 55 let
Miluše, 47 let
Nationality: Czech
Languages: Czech language
Driving licence: No
Mrs. Karolina , 55 let
Nationality: Czech
Languages: Czech language
Driving licence: No
Ask for a consultation Miluše, 47 let Mrs. Karolina , 55 let